Hiking to Knox Mountain in Mid-May
May 2013
This afternoon I hiked to Knox Mountain. It was a beautiful spring
day. I worked
Croatia, Minnesota, the UK and Spain.
It's been in the 70s for a more than a week. The trees are leafing
out and the grass
is high. Today the weather changed. It was 50F and windy. No
matter, the trail
was beautiful.

I crossed the first bridge and took a couple of snapshots of the

Viburnum with its white flowers decorated the trail along the
brook. The cool breeze
kept the black flies away.
The second bridge has been removed. I placed a board between some
rocks to facilitate
a dry crossing a few weeks ago. I was glad it was still there.

The pond was full. It looks like the beaver have maintained their
small dam at the near
end. I tossed a line over a high branch on the cherry tree next to
the cabin and pulled
up a half wave wire for 15 meters. I used the ATS-4 by KD1JV with
the Elecraft
T-1 tuner. Here's my log.
Date UTC
Freq Call My
His QTH Op
13 May-13 1916 21.018 9A4KW CW 599 599
13 May-13 1922 21.013 KW7D CW 559
589 MN Paul
13 May-13 1934 21.005 MI0VKO CW 449 579
UK Dave
13 May-13 1951 21.011 EA8TL CW 599
599 Spain Jorge

This is the view of the pond from my operating position. After
packing up, I made a quick trip
back to the car. I was cold and ready for a cup of tea. Thank
goodness spring is here.