Cross-Country on Shute Hill
May 2013
Today was fantastic. About 72F, sunny, with a stiff breeze. I hiked
from Shute Hill to the Range Road running parallel to Hunkins Pond.
The black
flies were biting when I set up my gear, so I only made one quick
contact with
W5ZR in Louisiana before heading back.

Not far from the cemetery at the top of Shute Hill is a 5 acre
beaver pond. I brought
my APRS handie and transmitted my position as I hiked. You can see
the beaver
pond just above my call sign on the APRS map below.

After crossing the brook, the trail climbs steadily to the top of
the hill. The trees
along the trail radiate the yellow-green of new spring foliage.

This is an old logging trail, used mostly by snowmobiles now. I
hiked about three
miles to a spot where it runs into the old range road. Just across
the old road is
Swain's north pasture. I set up under some maple trees along the
stone wall.
I thought I was going to operate on 15 meters, so I put up a 22 foot
wire for that
band. But 15 was dead and I switched to 20, even though the wire was
a bit short.
I was running about 4 watts with the ATS-4 and an Elecraft T-1
tuner. I called Bert,
W5ZR in Louisiana when he called CQ. He was a strong 599, and he
gave me a 559.
The black flies were chewing on my ears and arms in spite of the
repellent I put on.
But who cares when the view looks like this...

After the quick QSO I packed up the gear and headed back up the
trail. I reached my car in just about an hour. It was
a perfect afternoon outing.