Europe from the Swain Farm
August 2013
This afternoon I took a quick walk up the range road
and into one of David Swain's back fields. I worked
France, New Mexico and Croatia.

The range road runs north from Hunkins Pond Road
in Sanbornton... not far from where I live. I walked up
about half a mile and then turned right toward the
Dearborn farm. I stopped in Swain's field.

The view was fantastic... to the south is the Belknap range. The
grass is pretty high and David is doing the second hay cutting
on his fields now.
At the edge of the field I tossed a wire into a maple tree. I sat
right down in the grass along the stone wall and set up the
KX3. I used a 33 foot wire with the 9:1 unun.

I started out on 15 meters and answered Ollie F5IAE as soon
as I turned on the rig. He was 579 and gave me a 559. "FB JOB
UR NICE QRP," he sent before signing.
Then I called Paul KW7D in New Mexico. He had just finished a
contact with Ireland, and he gave me a 579. We chatted for a
minute before saying goodbye.
Then I switched to 17 meters and heard Kiko 9A4WY in Croatia
calling CQ. He gave me a 559 and was a strong 599. In all I
made the 3 contacts in about 15 minutes.
I packed up the gear and headed back.

How fortunate to live in the countryside and have so many
beautiful places from which to make radio contacts! To
walk and bike through the hills, lane ways and fields
of New Hampshire is a real privilege. And thanks to all of you
who listen a bit harder for weak stations and make it all
so rewarding.