The Leaves are Gone - The
Fun Lives On
November 2014
It's been cold and windy the last few days. I went out today anyway.
I had a fantastic
time. I brought the little DSW rig by Dave Benson and worked two
Ohio stations on
20 meters from Shute Hill.

I went up the Rufus Colby Road, past Ivan Phelps' farm and continued
north past where
the town stops maintaining the road. The leaves have all fallen. I
walked on a bed of
summer memories... of trees in full foliage.
At Will Ellis' gate I turned east up an old farm lane way.

About a half mile farther, I turned south into an old field at the
crest of a small hill.
I tossed a line over a tall birch tree in a small copse at the
center of the field. I pulled up
a 20 meter dipole fed with RG-174. I tied the other end to a bit of
stubble in the field.
I set up the DSW and sat in the grass.

Activity on 20 meters was pretty scarce, but there were a few very
strong stations.
One of them was W3IQ, Bud in Ohio. He gave me a 579 and sent, "UR 2W
real nice
sig." We exchanged SKCC numbers and signed. I tuned up the band a
bit and there
was N8PZR just tuning up. I called him and we chatted for a half an
hour. Walt was
running 100 watts at first. He was out in his barn where the
temperature was only 43F.
It was 44F in the field and nearly 50F in sun! I had Walt beat.
After chatting a while Walt switched rigs. He fired up an old Norcal
20 and we continued.
The Norcal was running 5 watts. We gave each other a 579. Nothing
beats 2-way QRP
from the field.
I packed up and headed back through the woods.

This evening I received an email from Bud, W3IQ:
I'm telling you, your 2 watts was the loudest 2 watts I've ever
heard. Now, before you
get all puffed up, remember to thank Mr. Propagation. HI HI.
Anyway, I'm glad I was a part of your adventure today.
73 Bud W3IQ