NJQRP Skeeter Hunt
August 2014
It was a perfect day for the NJQRP Skeeter Hunt... sunny and warm. I
to Old Hill Village with my bicycle. I worked France, Poland, Czech
Rep, Russia,
and Finland for DX and as far west as Colorado in the U.S.
I rode the bike down into the flood control area by Needle Shop
Brook. Then I
headed north toward Bristol on the old Hill Road.

Barely a half mile farther I turned west into the old school yard.
It's over
grown now and has a healthy crop of poison ivy lining the lane way.

I made my way up the hill and picked out an ancient maple tree for
antenna. I tossed a line over a branch and pulled up a 30 foot wire.
set up the KX3 with the earchi 9:1 unun. In retrospect, I'd made a
choice for location. Firstly, I was in the sun. Secondly, I was
by poison ivy and couldn't move easily into the shade. But the view
the surrounding area was lovely.

I started out on 14.060 and stayed there for about 20 minutes. Then
I went down the band into
the DX portion to pick up some of the WAE stations. In all I worked
15 stations in about 35 minutes.
Here's the log:
10 Aug-14 1755 14.06 NM4T CW 559
579 AL 18 Craig
10 Aug-14 1757 14.06 AB9CA CW 559 559 AL
59 Dave
10 Aug-14 1800 14.06 WA0ITP CW 559 559 IA
14 Terry
10 Aug-14 1802 14.06 W4QO CW 449
559 GA 91 Jim
10 Aug-14 1805 14.06 KX0R CW 559
559 CO 86 George
10 Aug-14 1807 14.06 AB4QL CW 559 559 AL
81 Barry
10 Aug-14 1811 7038 KX9X CW
559 559 CT 2 Sean
10 Aug-14 1813 7039 K2ULR CW 559
559 PA 12 Ray
10 Aug-14 1817 14.061 N1LT CW 599 559 NH
156 Dick
10 Aug-14 1824 14.018 F8AAN CW 599 599
10 Aug-14 1825 14.03 SP3SSRN CW 599 599
10 Aug-14 1827 14.032 OL8M CW 599
599 894
10 Aug-14 1828 14.034 RW1A CW 599
599 1129
10 Aug-14 1830 14.034 OH8WW CW 599 599
10 Aug-14 2007 7043
N3AO CW 449 449 VA 19 Carter (from

By now I was sweating enough that my shirt was drenched. The rig was
pretty warm too!
There was poison ivy in every direction, and I decided to call it
quits rather than set up in
a new spot altogether.
I rode the bike in the shade for awhile to cool off before heading
back to the car. Once home
I scrubbed with laundry soap to wash off the poison ivy oils.
Hopefully, that does the trick.
Thanks to all for the QSOs and to Larry W2LJ for the great sprint.
73, Jim W1PID