QSO from the Franklin Falls Dam
January 2014
No polar vortex today... a bit of a thaw. It hit 40F and I went for
a walk along the
Franklin Falls Dam. I worked K6ZB in Texas.

The road down to the dam is plowed, so it's a good spot for some
exercise. It's a about a mile to the
dam. Then I tramped through the snow about 100 yards. Mostly I
stayed on the surface, but crashed
through a few times. There's a little viewing platform overlooking
the river, and I set up there. I put
my gear on the railing and tossed a line into a nearby pine tree.

I heard Bruce K6ZB just finishing up a QSO on 20 meters, and I
called him. He was a solid 599
and he gave me a 569. I was glad to make a contact right away
because it was pretty chilly on
the fingers.

At first I was a bit clumsy with the key, but quickly settled down.
I told Bruce I was operating
outdoors by the river and was standing in the snow. He kept it
fairly short. As you can see I was
running the KX3 at 5 watts.
Both feet and hands got cold quickly, so I didn't linger.

It's not often that I get out in January... so when the thermometer
rose a bit, I jumped at the chance.