Blueberries and CW in Ashland
August 2015
Judy went blueberry picking in Ashland this afternoon. I went along
played radio in a field next door. She picked 8 quarts of berries,
and I worked
10 stations in the CWT sprint.

The hillside was beautiful. I walked down the treeline on the left
and tossed a wire over a low
branch of a maple tree... maybe up 25 feet. I used the 40, 30, 20
LNR end fed antenna with
the KD1JV Mountain Topper at about 3 watts. I powered it with 8
solar charged AA cells.
I pulled up the center of the wire and used the water bottle to hold
the far end about 2 feet
above the ground. The near end was attached to the backpack and
connected to the radio.
I had a nice inverted vee.
I started out on 20 meters and worked 3 stations... WI, NC and NY.
Then I switched to 40.
40 was active and I worked another 7 stations. The exchange is fast
in the CWT sprint.
Members give their names and numbers. Non-members (like me) give
their name and state.
Here's my log. I looked up the calls on QRZ.COM because the QTH
isn't part of a member's
26 Aug-15 1936 14.040 NS9I CW 599 599 WI
26 Aug-15 1940 14.033 AD8J CW 599 599
26 Aug-15 1942 14.026 K4RUM CW 599 599 NY
26 Aug-15 1945 7029 N4AF CW
599 599 NC
26 Aug-15 1946 7028 VE3MGY CW 599 599
26 Aug-15 1949 7033 N8BJQ CW 599 599
26 Aug-15 1950 7035 VE3KP CW 599
599 ONT
26 Aug-15 1952 7036 W3KB CW
599 599 PA
26 Aug-15 1955 7038 K3MD CW
599 599 PA
26 Aug-15 1959 7032 K7SV CW
599 599 VA

The little MTR sitting on my lap did a good job. I operated about 20
minutes and had
a great time. I was hoping to test the LNR antenna on 30 meters, but
I didn't hear any
activity there.
Judy had just finished picking berries when the CWT sprint ended, so
I packed up and
we headed home.