A Hike to the 20 Acre Field
April 2015
This afternoon Judy, Catherine and I hiked to the 20 Acre
Field. It's at the top of Shute Hill.
I operated for less than 10 minutes and worked three stations in the
Florida QSO Party and a station
from the Slovak Republic.

It's still cool for spring... not over 50F... but pleasant when the
sun is out. We walked up through the woods and
turned into the old field. Judy and Catherine sat in the sun for a
while. I threw a line over an old maple tree and
set up a half wave dipole as a vertical fed with RG-174. I hooked up
the little MTR on 20 meters.
Right away I started hearing stations in the Florida QSO Party.

I worked W4ARM, KE1F and K4PV and then tuned down the band to see if
there was any DX.
OM2VL, Laci was calling CQ and booming into New Hampshire. We didn't
chat long but exchanged
599s before signing.

I packed up for the walk back. This week the weather will take a
real turn
for the better. It's supposed to be in the 60s by mid-week.