FYBO (Freeze Your Butt Off)
February 2015
Tim W3ATB, John KC1AAG, and I went out at the last minute this
morning to
operate in the FYBO sprint. The sprint is an annual winter event
sponsored by
the Arizona ScQRPions Club. The colder it is at your operating
position, the more
points you get per QSO. It was plenty cold in Bristol at 21F. We
weren't prepared
to stay very long, but we were all set for some fun. We managed to
work 5 stations
in a little more than a half hour. Here I am warming my hands
between QSOs over a little alcohol stove.

We had lunch and arrived at Profile Falls in Bristol shortly after
noon. Just down the
road, several dog sled teams were getting ready for a practice run
up the trail toward
Franklin. We were in good company. We set up in a little picnic
shelter by the Smith

We put up a 20 meter dipole as a vertical and sat down at the picnic
table. I used the KX3
and Tim was running an HB1B. We passed the antenna back and forth
after each QSO.
First we worked Mike KS8M in Ohio.

Here's Tim W3ATB working KS8M in OH
Next we worked John in New York, KB2HSH. He gave us each 579.
We didn't hear too many FYBO stations, so I went down the band a bit
and worked
Dan K0FVF in Minnesota.

It didn't take long for our toes and fingers to start feeling the
cold. Time to pack up and
head for Dunkin Donuts for a hot cup of coffee. We had a nice
outing, made a few QSOs
and John KC1AAG got a chance to see what outdoor radio is all about.