Kearsarge Mountain Trip
May 2015
A couple of friends and I did a trip to Kearsarge Mountain today. We
had a fantastic
time and made a couple of dozen nice contacts. Dave K1SWL, Tim W3ATB
I met at Kearsarge. The view was fantastic.

Dave brought his KX3 and put up a simple vertical wire 28 feet long.
He sat at a picnic table directly under
the wire and had a short counterpoise. The internal tuner managed
the setup just fine. Dave made a dozen DX
contacts mostly on 15 meters. I don't have his log.

Dave K1SWL working DX on 15M
Tim brought his HB-1B and wanted to test out a 30 meter dipole he
made. He plans to use it
during an upcoming trip to Antigua. The antenna had a great SWR.
After the test he switched to
20 meters and used his Par End Fed as a horizontal up about 25 feet.
He made three stateside QSOs
and was thrilled with the results.

Tim W3ATB working a station on 20 meters.
I set up with a west facing view. I placed an inverted L up about 25
feet and across about 40 feet. I
tuned the wire with the internal tuner on the KX3. I was hoping to
make some SSB contacts in
the military cross-band exercise and I had a mic out for awhile. But
I abandoned that effort and
went back to CW. Here's my log:
9 May-15 1555 24.891 US5WE CW 599
9 May-15 1558 21.012 EA2NN CW 599
9 May-15 1600 21.026 SN7Q CW 599
9 May-15 1652 14.021 K3ZO CW 599
9 May-15 1655 18.087 AO150A CW 599
9 May-15 1657 21.021 HA3NU CW 599
9 May-15 1700 21.016 M0BEW CW 599
9 May-15 1701 24.891 US5WE CW 599
9 May-15 1705 18.082 R120K CW 599
9 May-15 1706 18.087 AO150A CW 599
I wasn't paying attention and realized back home that I had
several dupes.

Jim W1PID wondering how to use a microphone.
We operated about an hour and a half and had a nice picnic lunch
before heading down the mountain.
Working DX was a lot easier today than battling the black flies.
They were pretty thick and we were
all glad to have a nice breeze and some bug spray handy. The little
park area midway up the mountain
makes a perfect place for operating on a beautiful day.