Early Spring at Larter's Field
March 2015
It isn't spring yet. Last night it was 8F. But today I pretend it's
spring, and I
hike to Larter's field, to a little spot without snow.
I work Greece and Italy.

Across from the dump is a snowmobile trail that heads east. I hike
the trail about a half mile. It's a beautiful day... and pretty
warm... 40F, but
there's still two feet of snow on the ground.
As the trail reaches Larter's field, it turns sharply north. And
there, beneath
some large pines, is a narrow strip of bare ground. It's
exposed to the warm
sun most of the day.

I toss a line over a branch and set up the KX3 in the sun. I spread
a plastic
garbage bag on the ground (so I don't get wet) and tune around 15
SV2JAO in Greece is a strong 599. Andreas answers my call and gives
a 559.

After that I tune around 20 meters for a while... but signals on 15
meters are stronger. I go back
to 15 and call Beppe, I2NKR as he finishes another QSO. He is strong
and gives me a 589.

The view from my operating position
After ten minutes of operating, I pack up the gear and head back to
the car. I'm looking
forward to walking once again on bare ground. It's been a long, long