DX from Livermore Falls
June 2015
Tim W3ATB and I went to Livermore Falls today and had a blast.
The scenery is spectacular and I worked Russia, Israel, and Italy.

The site is a natural gorge in the Pemigewasset River at Campton. In
the late 1800s several mills were built at the site because of the
water power. The Plymouth and Lincoln Railroad runs slightly to the
west of the falls. Tim and I set up high above the river near the

I set up a 44 foot dipole feed with twisted pair. One half of the
dipole went to a tree on the other side of the track. I used the
KX3 on 17 and 15 meters. I made contacts on both bands. I
started out on 15 meters. Beppe I2NKR in Italy gave me a 579.
I was thrilled to make a QSO, because the bands have been
poor the last few days. Next I worked Israel! 4Z5MU, Slava
was calling CQ and I was pretty pleased to make the contact.
Then I switched to 17 meters and worked two Russians.
RZ1OA, Vlad gave me a 559. Then Vic, R6AF gave me a 579.
"It's nice to meet you again Jim with KX3 and QRP," Vic sent.
"FB DX QRP contact." I've worked Vic a dozen times before and
it's always a pleasure.

Tim set up about 100 feet north of me and operated his HB-1B on
20 meters. He had the Par Endfedz set up as a sloper. Tim had a
time too. Even though 20 meters was very poor, he managed to make
a two-way QRP QSO with Neill K3RNC in Maryland.
We operated about a half an hour then took a walk down toward the
river. One young man was swinging out over the water from the rock
ledges and jumping in from a rope attached to the bridge. I stayed
dry land.