Two October Hikes on Shute Hill
October 2015
- October 1, 2015 -
Judy and I hiked to a remote field on Shute Hill. I worked Georgia
and Michigan from
Will Ellis's field with the Mountain Topper at 3 watts. It was the
coolest day of the year
so far... just about 60F. But it was warm enough in the sun to enjoy
the outing.
As we reached the end of the Rufus Colby road we stopped to chat
with Cindy Laughy
who was just coming down the range road on horseback. We turned into
the woods
and walked to the back field.

I tossed a line over a pine tree at the edge of the field and pulled
up the Par Endfedz
wire. I set up the MTR on 20 meters. W4FOA was calling CQ and was
booming in.
He answered my call and we exchanged RST, name and QTH. Tony was in
and copied me the first time. I tuned down the band a little. K9AAA
had just finished
a QSO and I called him. Dave was in Michigan and again we completed
a normal

As I tuned down the band I heard K5HZ just finishing up a contact.
Ron was very strong and
answered my call. He gave me a 339 from Michigan and then we chatted
for a while. "Wow Jim!"
he sent when I told him I was running 3 watts. "UR 3W is making the
trip FB." He was running
400 watts.
The next week with Hurricane Joaquin on the horizon could be
difficult for outdoor radio. But
there are still plenty of warm days ahead for the fall.
- October 2, 2015 -
We went back to Shute Hill again today. It was much cooler... only
50F and cloudy, but still
beautiful. I worked VA and Ontario.

This is where the Rufus Colby Road ends and the old range road
begins. The trees are magnificent. This
time we hiked east of the small field where we were yesterday, and
went into the 20 acre field. As we
crested the hill in the field we spotted a huge porcupine. As first
he paid no attention to us, but when we
started talking he made his way slowly to the edge of the field. I
set up the end fed wire under the low branch
of a maple tree. You can see the leaves are starting to change

I sat down under the branch and set the Mountain Topper to 40
meters. K4ZXM was just finishing a QSO
and I called him. Don in Virginia gave me a 569 and we signed. Down
the band a bit, I heard VE3PA send
his call. He was testing some gear, but kindly answered. Bill was
599 in Ontario and gave me a 559. He
was running 40 watts.

We'll get heavy rain in the next few days. No more outings for a