Bike Ride at Profile Falls
July 2015
This afternoon I made a quick bike ride at Profile Falls in Bristol.
I worked the Dominican Republic and France.

It was a beautiful day in the mid 80s. I headed out a little after
2:00 pm... a bit early for good propagation. I used a 28 foot
wire over a pine tree at the edge of the trail with the KX3.
17 meters was the most promising.

At first I only heard a few stations and they weren't strong.
But soon there were a couple of strong stations calling, so I didn't
give up. After a while HI3TEJ in the Dominican Republic called CQ.
He was strong and worked a few stations before answering me. Ted
and I exchanged quick 599 reports and I was satisfied.

Soon after F5NZY called CQ from Paris. Steph was strong at the start
his signal faded significantly. Mine obviously did too, because he
hear me at the end.
By now the mosquitoes were getting the better of me, and I packed up
for the
return trip. I'm sure if I had stayed another half hour I would have
worked a few
more stations. Propagation was improving as the afternoon wore on.