Late Fall Bike Ride to Old Hill
November 2015
Judy and I rode our bikes in Old Hill Village. It was a beautiful
I worked Virginia, Florida, and California.

All the leaves are off the trees now. The trail was covered with
them. But the sky was blue and it was 50F...
70 in the sun! After riding a mile or so, we walked into an old
field by the Pemigewasset River.
I tossed a line over a branch of a giant pine tree and had something
of a sloper. I didn't hear any
DX at all and stations were scarce, but the ones I heard were
strong. I started out on 20 meters
with the KX3. W4EON Eric had activated Big Flat Mountain for SOTA in
Virginia. He was
really strong. He gave me a 579 and continued working stations. I'm
sure he did well.
Then I went down the band and heard Bill AA4BQ in Florida calling
CQ. He was 599 and
he gave me a 589. "UR peaking 5 db over S9," he sent. He was curious
about my antenna
and the 9:1 unun. We chatted for several minutes before I headed up
to 17 meters.

N6EED, Terry was calling CQ from California and booming in. He gave
me a 569. He was 599.
When I returned home there was an email from Terry thanking me for
the QSO. Thank you Terry!
I'll send him a link to these photos.