DX from the Winnipesaukee River
March 2015
It's still not spring, but today was 42F and sunny. I hiked along
the Winnipesaukee
River on the old railroad route. I found a little warm place without
snow and worked
Algeria, Barbados, the Canary Islands and Croatia.

There is mud in spots, so I just moved off the trail a bit onto
higher ground.
The trail goes through beautiful fields and farmland.

The Winnipesaukee River flows out of Lake Winnipesaukee into the
Merrimack River in
Franklin. The river runs alongside much of the trail.

There's still nearly a foot of snow in many places, but where
there's a southern
exposure, the sun has done its job. A major sewer line also runs
along the
trail beneath the ground. I found a large manhole cover about a mile
and a half
to the east. It was a perfect place to set up the radio gear.

I tossed a 33 foot wire over a nearby maple tree and set up the KX3
on the
concrete sewer access. I was a bit nervous that my signal would go
the drain...
Instead of using the 9:1 unun, I used a BNC to binding post
connector and
hooked up the wire directly to the rig. I ran a 17 foot piece of
wire on the
ground side for a counterpoise.
I started out on 20 meters. The bands weren't great, but I managed
to make some
contacts. I heard 9A7R in Croatia calling CQ. I don't think I
was very strong into
Europe, but was able to complete the exchange. Here's my log:
31 Mar-15 1908 14.027
9A7R CW 599 599 Croatia
31 Mar-15 1910 14.010
EA8TL CW 599 599 Canary Isl
31 Mar-15 1919 18.071
8P6DR CW 599 599 Barbados
31 Mar-15 1922 18.079 PJ2/VE7ACN CW 599 599
31 Mar-15 1927 14.029
7X4AN CW 559 599 Algeria

Midway through I switched to 17 meters and worked Barbados and
Curacao before switching back to 20 meters. I was about to quit when
I heard Med, 7X4AN in Algeria calling CQ. He gave me a 559. What
a treat to work him from the field!
With that, I packed up and headed back to the road and the car. Even
it's a bit early to get out, it was nearly 60F in the sun and plenty
warm enough
to be comfortable. Anyway... spring or no... I can't wait forever to
begin another
season of radio adventures.