Autumn in Old Hill Village
QSO with Mali - September 2016
The smell of autumn is in the air today. It's beautiful and warm.
Judy and I take a bicycle
ride along the Pemigewasset River. I work Africa, Ukraine, Croatia
and Spain.

We ride down along Needle Shop Brook and turn north along the river.
There are fallen apples
and brown leaves on the road. It feels and smells like fall. But
it's warm and still. A perfect day
for a bike ride.
We ride about a half mile north and I see what I think is a piece of
metal across the trail. I swerve
quickly to avoid it, and realize it's a snake! It slithers away into
the grass. It's a Northern Water
Snake soaking up the warm, fall sunshine.
We ride perhaps 3 miles and I start looking for a place to set up
the KX3. There is a sunny field
to the west with some large maple trees nearby. Judy goes into the
field and I throw a 30 foot
wire over the branch of a huge maple.

I start out on 20 meters at the low end of the band. EO25U is
calling CQ. We exchange
quick 599s. This is Ukraine... a special event celebrating 25 years
of independence. I tune
up the band and quickly work AN400R... another special event... this
time in Spain celebrating
the life of Cervantes, the famous Spanish author of Don Quixote.
The photo below is my view while operating.

I switch to 17 meters. It's active and right away I work 9A50CMB.
This is the MARJAN
Radio Club call in Croatia. Miki gives me a 559, and I tune up the
band a little. Here is
TZ4AM working stations. He answers me on the first call and gives me
a 559. I didn't
know this station is in Mali, central Africa. I find out later when
I look it up at home.
Wow... the first time I've actually worked Timbuktu!
Now I pack up and head south to where we left the car.

These days are way too short. In just a few weeks New Hampshire Fish
and Game will release
pheasant in this area for hunters. Not an ideal spot for bike rides
or radio.