D-Star /MM on Hermit Lake
June 2016
I took the kayak out on Hermit Lake for a little while before lunch.
I used the ID-51 and D-Star to work Scotland, Long Island, Oklahoma,
Oregon and Ohio.

The setup was remarkably simple. I had a raspberry Pi, a DVAP and a
MiFi card in a Pelican Box in
front of my seat in the kayak. That provided all I needed to connect
to D-Star reflector 1C.
I announced my call and received an answer right away from GM0GTU
Stewart in Scotland. Pretty
cool! Scotland from a kayak in the lake... When I finished I
received a call from N2MAC Ken on
Long Island. While we were chatting I stopped at the edge of an
island where wild irises were
in bloom.

In a few minutes I heard WD5USA calling. This was a special event
for the Code Talkers of World War II. Mike in Oklahoma explained
that it
wasn't just the Navaho who were Code Talkers... so were the
I started paddling back toward the car. I made a quick contact with
in Oregon. This was followed by a call from Bob KD8IF in Ohio. Bob
how I was getting into D-Star from the lake. I shared my secret of
the setup in
the Pelican box.

The raspberry pi is underneath the black battery on the top. The
Mifi card is to the far right. It's a
pretty simple arrangement that will provide a d-star connection
wherever there is cell service.