Bike Ride to the 15 Acre Marsh
September 2016

Judy and I rode our bikes near Andover, New Hampshire. It was another
perfect late summer day. I worked Brazil, Cumberland Island National Seashore,
and a station in Mississippi.

We started in Andover and headed south along the old Northern Rail route. About four miles into
the trip we reached this marsh. A large gray heron took flight right in front of us and circled the area.
I tossed my wire over an oak branch that extended across the trail. I set up the KX3 and started on
20 meters. Conditions were really bad. I could only hear a few stations. The strongest was PV8ADI
in Brazil. He was calling CQ and fortunately answered me. We exchanged quick 599s and I tuned up
the band.

Next I heard N4CD. Bob was operating the National Parks event. He was at the Cumberland Island
National Seashore, SS06 in Georgia. I listened on 30 and 40 meters a few times, but couldn't find
any strong signals, so I went back to 20. K0RO Ralph in Mississippi had just finished a QSO and
I called him. He gave me a 579 and he was 599. We exchanged RST, name, QTH and SKCC
numbers and signed. By now it was nearly 5:00 pm and time to head back.

We rode about 20 minutes and reached the car. Wow... how long will this perfect weather last?