Spring on Mt. Kearsarge
April 2016
Dave K1SWL, Tim W3ATB and I spent the afternoon on the
side of Mt. Kearsarge. It was the first warm day of the year...
71F. We worked France, Cyprus, Balearic Island, Czech Republic,
Colorado and Nebraska among others.

We spotted a picnic table at the north end of a small clearing under
a couple
of large maple trees and we set up shop. We decided to use only one
rig and
one antenna and take turns operating. So we put up a 44 foot dipole
fed with
twisted pair. The antenna was up a little over 30 feet. Then we set
up a KX3.
Everything worked perfectly.
I took the first turn and started out on 20 meters. I worked F6HKA
in France.
Bert was working the Manchester Mineira contest and we completed the
exchange. Then I worked Jurek EA6UN in the same contest. I handed
key to Dave. I don't have Dave's log, but I know he worked the same
stations I worked and a couple of more including Belarus. Next it
was Tim's
turn. Dave and I were actually hot from the sun and we moved to a
area and left the key with Tim. I don't have his log, but I think he
W0DB in the Nebraska QSO Party. Then it was my turn again.

Tim left the rig on the same frequency as his last QSO... so I
worked W0DB in NE.
Here's my log:
17 Apr-16 1831 14.018 F6HKA CW 599 599 France
17 Apr-16 1835 14.024 EA6UN CW 559 599
Balearic Isl
17 Apr-16 1909 14.042 W0DB CW 599 599
17 Apr-16 1911 14.048 AA0Q CW 449 579
17 Apr-16 1948 14.012 OK2RJC CW 599 599 Czech Rep
17 Apr-16 1950 14.016 5B4AMM CW 599 599
Dave had worked Cyprus during one of his turns and before we packed
up I heard
5B4AMM calling CQ. At first I thought I was hearing HB4, but Dave
set me straight.
The station in Cyprus came back to me and we completed the exchange.
We couldn't have had a nicer afternoon. Some great band
conditions... plenty of
stations to work and the most beautiful spring day yet. We plan on
plenty more
before the summer is over.