November DX from Profile Falls
November 2016
Judy and I drove over to Bristol this morning and walked from
Profile Falls
down to a field along the Pemigewasset River. I worked Bulgaria,
Madeira Island,
Portugal, and 4 stations from the Czech Republic in the OK-OM

It was a beautiful sunny morning, but cold... not much over 40F. I
tossed my wire over a tree alongside
the river and set up the KX3 on a picnic table provided by the Corps
of Engineers.
I started out on 20 meters and heard plenty of loud signals... most
of them were in the OK-OM contest.

I only operated about 10 minutes. Even though I was wearing
fingerless mitts, my hands got pretty cold.
Here's my log:
12 Nov-16 1651 14.010 OK2D
CW 599 599 Czech Rep
12 Nov-16 1653 14.011 OK1FFU CW 599
599 Czech Rep
12 Nov-16 1656 14.032 CT9/OM3RM CW 599 599 Madeira
12 Nov-16 1657 14.033
OL5W CW 599 599 Czech Rep
12 Nov-16 1658 14.022 OK1DOL CW 599
599 Czech Rep
12 Nov-16 1659 14.014 LZ960SPA CW 599 599
12 Nov-16 1700 18.076 CT7AEQ CW 599
599 Portugal

It was wonderful to get out, but a sharp reminder that colder
weather is ahead and I need to bring
the Morse Muff (
and a hand warmer.