Bike Ride from Profile Falls
September 2016
Judy and I rode our bikes south from Profile Falls this afternoon. I
Liechtenstein, Malta, Italy, Spain, Ukraine, Germany and Russia. It
was another
perfect day for a bike outing.
We rode south along the Pemigewasset River. I set up near a huge
rock cliff
under an oak tree. Below: I'm getting ready to toss my line over a
45 ft high

I sat down at the edge of the old road and set up the KX3. I started
on 20 meters.
Right away I worked the Cervantes special event in Spain... AN400M.
I worked LY780A in Lithuania, 9H1TT in Malta and IT9SSI in Italy.
The funny
part is I had a folded shirt on top of my head... Acorns were
falling all over the
place from the oak tree above, and I needed a helmet. Here's the
view from my
operating position. You can see the river on the left side of the

After making 4 QSOs, we packed up and started riding back to Profile
Falls. But we came to a
beautiful sunny spot and had to stop again. This time I tossed my
antenna into a maple tree.

Here I worked two more of the Cervantes stations in Spain... AN400E,
and AN400T. I also
worked Tina HB0/DL5YL on holidays in Liechtenstein. Here's the view
from her cottage.

Either band conditions improved a lot, or I found a much better
location. Stations were a lot stronger and more
plentiful at this sunny place than they were near the rock cliff.
Here's my log for the entire outing:
22 Sep-16 1857 14.041 AN400M CW 599 599
22 Sep-16 1859 14.027 LY780A CW 599 599
22 Sep-16 1900 14.036 9H1TT
CW 579 599 Malta
22 Sep-16 1914 14.035 IT9SSI CW 589 599
22 Sep-16 2000 14.020 AN400E CW 599
599 Spain
22 Sep-16 2001 14.029
R6AF CW 559 599 Russia
22 Sep-16 2004 14.040 AN400T CW 599
599 Spain
22 Sep-16 2010 10.1 HB0/DL5YL CW 559 599
22 Sep-16 2113 10.111 DL1BUG CW 539
599 Germany
22 Sep-16 2116 14.022 US1GCU CW 599
599 Ukraine

After working another six stations, I called it quits and headed
north to the car. This is one of the
most beautiful spots anywhere for a bicycle/radio outing. There are
no cars allowed and one sees
only an occasional bicycle or walker.