DX from the Railroad Station
August 2016
I rode my bike to the old Potter Place Railroad Station from Andover
afternoon. I worked Corsica, Oregon, Croatia and Spain. It was
beautiful today.

It was a perfect, clear day around 75F. I rode about 2 miles from
along the old Northern Rail route. Part way into the ride I passed
the old
covered bridge at the Blackwater River.

The Potter Place station is a museum now. I set up under a huge pine
on the south side of the track. I tossed a 30 foot wire over a
branch and
started with the KX3 on 20 meters. 9A2AJ, Tom from Croatia was
CQ. I've worked him a dozen times before, and when I answered he
if I was running 5 watts. He gave me a 579. He was 599 and I told
him I
was on a bike ride and was, indeed QRP.

Next I went to 17 meters where W1VDE, Roger in Oregon was just
finishing up a QSO. At first he
said I was only S1, but later he said I'd come up a lot and he gave
me a 569. I tuned up a bit and was
thrilled to work TK3LS on the island of Corsica. Laurent gave me a
quick 599. He was very strong
to me.

I was about to call it quits when I heard EA5KM in Spain calling CQ
on 30 meters. He had a hard
time copying my call, even though he was strong to me. We made a
quick exchange and I packed
up for the ride back. What a glorious day for a quick outing.