Little Round Top in Bristol
September 2016

Judy and I hiked up Little Round Top in Bristol this afternoon. It's
not a long climb,
but it's steep. I set up at the top and worked VA, PA and WV on 40

I tossed my wire over an oak tree and tuned around. 20 meters was
awful.... very
few stations. Then I received a text message from Tim W3ATB. He's in
Virginia. I could hear him well on 40 meters, but he could barely
hear me. He had
a lot of power line noise and was sitting near a highway. We made a
quick exchange
and I tuned up the band. N3YWQ in PA was just tuning up and we had a
nice chat.
He gave me a 559, but couldn't stay long because of an impending
thunder storm.

The view was really nice from this spot. It was the first cool day
of the year at about 55F...
but it was warm in the sun.
Next I worked W8ARC in West Virginia. Bob gave me a 459, but he
seemed to copy pretty well. I told
him I was hiking and he said the QRP set up was doing well.
We packed up and had a leisurely walk back down to the parking lot.
It was another glorious
afternoon in New Hampshire.