QSO with Germany from Bald Ledge
August 2017
This afternoon Judy, my daughter Catherine, and I hiked up to Bald
Ledge from Sky Pond. I had a quick QSO with Germany before

It was a perfect afternoon in the 70s with enough breeze to keep the
mosquitoes at bay. We had a
picnic at Sky Pond and then hiked up the trail for 20 minutes before
reaching the ledges. In the
photo above, Lake Winona is in the near view with Mt. Chochorua in
the distance.

To the south is Lake Waukeewan and Meredith. I tossed a 33 foot wire
over a small pine tree and set up the KX3. There were only a few
strong stations on 20 meters. I heard England, Brazil and two German
stations. I called one of the Germans.

DK1HL, Stefan was calling CQ and gave me a 529. He was 579 and
we made a successful exchange. I didn't play radio for long and
packed up after working Stefan for the return hike.