St. Pierre and Miquelon from Rattlesnake Mtn
September 2017

Judy and I hiked up Rattlesnake Mountain overlooking Squam Lake
this afternoon. It was gorgeous! And... I worked St. Pierre and
Miquelon, Belgium and Florida.

The hike is pretty simple... about 40 minutes. Huge rock ledges cap the peak at about 500 feet
above the lake. It was sunny and 72F. A perfect day for an outing.

I set up on a western ledge and tossed my line into a stubby pine tree that was 25 feet
above the rock. I had a sloper.

I started out on 30 meters and heard FP/G3ZAY on St. Pierre and Miquelon.
These two French islands sit off the coast of Newfoundland... a favorite
for small dxpeditions. I was thrilled to work them from Rattlesnake Mtn.
because I'd been trying unsuccessfully for a couple of days from home. 
We exchanged quick 599s and I switched to 20 meters.

As I tuned across the band I heard Bernie KB4JR calling CQ from Florida. He gave me a 559
and we chatted for a few minutes before signing. A little farther down the band John ON4UN
was calling CQ from Belgium. He was strong as always and we had a quick exchange. I told
him I was QRP on a mountain top and he wished me well.

Judy and I had a snack before packing up. Judy got a  quick photo as I enjoyed the
view a final time before heading down.