Working W0RW from the Pemi River
April 2018
It was the first real spring day! 62F and beautiful. I went down to
the Pemigewasset River
at Profile Falls in Bristol. I worked Bulgaria, England, St.
Barthelemy Island, New Mexico,
and Paul W0RW portable in the Colorado mountains.

I hiked down from the parking lot. I was amazed to hear frogs
croaking out their mating calls in
little ponds along the trail. There was some snow in the parking
area, but the trail was clear.
I set up under a giant pine tree on a picnic table. My 30 foot wire
was vertical over a branch and I
ran 8 watts with the KX3.

There were several strong stations on 20 meters. KW7D Paul in New
was calling CQ as I started tuning around. He gave me a 579. I went
up the
band a bit and quickly worked Bob N4CD doing POTA at KFF-2268 in
Then I worked three DX stations in a row. LZ3QE in Bulgaria, FJ/N0KV
St. Barthelemy Island, and G3PJT in England. I was about to pack up,
decided to check around 14.060. There was Paul W0RW, operating
and calling CQ from the Colorado mountains.
What a thrill to exchange 559 reports. Paul was running ten watts
from his
little observatory he calls Ice Station Zebra. I told him I was by
the river...
it was 62F and gorgeous. He sent back 55F at his location. That made
my day!

With that I put the gear away and headed down the trail toward the
car. What
a grand outing!