Hamlin Hike
October 2019
Tim W3ATB and I took an afternoon hike in Hamlin Forest in Meredith.
We walked over a mile, sat down on a rock, and worked G3VBS in South

It was a glorious October day with the fall colors a little past
peak, and the temperature
soared to nearly 60F. The large forest is near Wicwas Lake. We
stopped after a while and
tossed our line into some beech trees. Tim set up the KX2 on a flat
rock that was covered
with damp moss. I took the first turn at the key.

We heard a couple of fairly strong stations, but they couldn't hear
us. We switched to
30 meters and heard Tom G3VBS calling CQ. He came back to us, but
gave us a 229.
Tim quickly laid out a counterpoise and our signal to Tom came up
enough that he
copied everything. When I told him we were hiking, he asked about
the rig and the
antenna. He was running 100 watts to a Rhombic and had a 579 signal.
After I finished, Tim sat down at the operating position.

He called a Danish station sending a CQ, and immediately the battery
went dead! Darn... I drained
all the electrons on the UK contact. Then Tim confessed that he
hadn't charged the battery since
returning from Puerto Rico. We had a good laugh and hiked back to
the car. There won't be many
more of these days before the cold weather arrives.