First Warm Day at Potter Place
April 2019
Dave K1SWL and I met for lunch today in Andover. Then we
went to Potter Place and operated in front of the old Railroad
Station for a couple of hours. Between us we worked a couple
of dozen stations.

It was a gorgeous day and nearly 70F. But there were still patches
of snow on the ground. No matter...
we tossed a line into a nearby maple tree and sat down at a picnic
table to operate with the KX3. We
worked France and Germany. We worked several stations in the SKCC
weekend sprint and some
more stations in the Georgia QSO party.

Dave working a SOTA station in South Carolina
Dave and I passed the key back and forth. We worked many of the same
stations and had no problem making QSOs for an hour or so. Here's my
13 Apr-19 1713 14.008 F8DGY CW 599 599 France
13 Apr-19 1720 14.009 DL1REM CW 559 599 Germany
13 Apr-19 1733 14.054 K5BIU CW 559 579
13 Apr-19 1736 14.056 KG6MC CW 559 599
13 Apr-19 1743 14.061 KI4SVM CW 559 559 SC SOTA
13 Apr-19 1758 14.057 N5PHT CW 559 579
13 Apr-19 1807 14.055 NZ0T CW 559
579 MO
13 Apr-19 1814 14.046 W4IZT CW 599 599
13 Apr-19 1817 14.041 K4EA CW 599
599 GA
13 Apr-19 1822 14.049 N4A CW
599 599 GA
13 Apr-19 1825 14.043 K5KV CW 579
599 TX
Both Dave and I had gotten out a couple of times this month,
but it was the first
really warm day and the first time we had operated together since
last fall. What
a fantastic way to begin a new season.