Kite Antenna at the Beach
June 2021
Judy and I drove over to the coast today to avoid the heat. It was
104F. I put up a parafoil kite
and attached a half-wave wire for 20 meters. Propagation was lousy,
but I had a great QSO
with W3GEL in Pennsylvania.

Judy headed straight for the beach. I set up the kite and suspended
a half wave wire for 20 meters.
The kite flew for four or five minutes then came down. I hoisted it
once again and it stayed up for
at least a half hour when I brought it down.

I attached the bottom of the wire to my backpack and sat under the
wire so
it was mostly vertical. Usually, when I operate at the beach, I work
a lot of
European stations. I didn't hear one today. But George W3GEL was
strong and I called him when he finished a QSO with another op.
He was 589 and he gave me a 569. "I've never worked a station with a
antenna before," he sent. "Have fun at the beach." I was so grateful
for the
nice QSO. It was perfect! A day at the beach... a little QRP and a
nice breeze
to keep me cool and lift the kite.

I ran the little MTR rig with the solar charged battery. I was
putting out about 3 watts.
After this I packed up and went down to the shore for a refreshing
swim. This heat wave will
last only a couple of days. Memories of the beach trip will linger
throughout the cold winter