Three Watts from Hill Village
August 2021
Judy and I walked in Old Hill Village this morning. It was a
gorgeous summer day. I made two quick QSOs with the MTR-4B
under a giant pine tree.

We walked north from Needle Shop Brook about a half mile. It's rare
to see
anyone along the old dirt road. It's a remarkably quiet spot. The
poison ivy
forms a thick blanket along both sides of the road. I'm very careful
I sit.
I set up up the MTR-4B with a 30 foot vertical wire. I used a 2200
mAh battery at 10 volts.
I was running about 3 watts. I worked two quick POTA stations on 20

Bill, K4NYM in Florida was working stations on 14.043 and I waited
my turn. My signal was weak...
especially since I didn't throw my line high enough. I had the top 3
feet of the antenna at right angles
over a branch instead of fully vertical as it should be. But I got a
339 and made the exchange without
any trouble.
Next I worked Frank, W0ECS in Georgia. Frank gave me a 539 and I was
satisfied with the radio
part of the outing. We walked south to the brook and then west up
the hill to the car. What a perfect