CWT from Potter Place Railroad Station
September 2021
Judy and I rode our bikes from Andover to the old railroad station
at Potter Place this afternoon. It
was a gorgeous day. I set up the MTR-4B on 20 meters and worked 14
stations in the sprint. Conditions
were good and I made some nice DX contacts including Italy,
Portugal, Croatia, British Columbia and

Across from the railroad station is a small area with gardens and
picnic tables. There's a tall maple
tree with some nice branches overhead. I threw my line and pulled up
a 30 foot half wave end fed.
I was running about 3 watts with the MTR.

The CWT sprint always brings out a lot of activity. I had no trouble
QSOs. Here's my log:
8 Sep-21 1925 14.026 K5KU CW 599 599
8 Sep-21 1927 14.033 K9MMS CW 599
8 Sep-21 1932 14.036 IK5ULL CW 599 599
8 Sep-21 1933 14.038 N5TOO CW 599
8 Sep-21 1935 14.039 NT6Q CW 599
599 CA
8 Sep-21 1935 14.040 CR6K CW 599
599 Portugal
8 Sep-21 1942 14.042 N0AT CW 599
8 Sep-21 1938 14.043 N3ZL CW 599
8 Sep-21 1939 14.046 N4KS CW 599
8 Sep-21 1939 14.049 VE7IO CW 599 599
British Columbia
8 Sep-21 1940 14.049 9A1AA CW 599 599
8 Sep-21 1941 14.051 K6NR CW 599
599 CA
8 Sep-21 1942 14.025 N8KH CW 599
599 FL
8 Sep-21 1944 14.030 AA5B CW 599
599 NM
I operated only 20 minutes before packing up for the return
ride along the old
rail trail. What a great way to spend an afternoon in the late