Field Day 2022
June 2022

I operated on the deck again this year. I ran the K2 into an 88 foot
doublet up about 40 feet. The doublet was fed with 300 ohm ladder
line. For power I used the Powerfilm Lightsaver max. It's got an
18 aHr battery with a solar panel.

I operated about 6 hours and made a total of 225 QSOs. I logged with
a little
Samsung tablet using a linux shell script I wrote 20 years ago. The
is a Begali Traveller. The tuner is an old ZM2 built from a kit many
years ago.

It was really hot in New Hampshire... 85F or so. I had an umbrella
set up over the table for shade. I quit at 9:00 pm and only operated
for an hour on Sunday morning.