Isles of Shoals
September 2022
Tim (W3ATB) and I had a great trip out to the Isles of Shoals
We were on Star Island a little over an hour and made a few QSOs on
20 meters.

The Isles of Shoals is a group of tiny islands 6 miles off the coast
New Hampshire. We took a tour boat from Rye Harbor and reached
the island in about an hour.
We found a height of land a few feet from the shore with a bench
overlooked the sea. We used an end-fed wire sloping up to a nearby
gazebo and set up the KX3.

We didn't hear many stations, but got a couple of good signal
reports nonetheless.
I worked AB9CA, Dave in Indiana doing a POTA activation. He gave me
a 579.
Then I worked my old friend Pierre, VE2PID in Quebec. He gave me a
I brought along my Kenwood TH-D74 APRS handie talkie and was relayed
a station on the mainland.

Here's a map showing the APRS position.

This was a last hurrah for the summer... a beautiful day on the
ocean, some great ham radio, and plenty
of sunshine. I'll miss that in January for sure.