Knox Mountain in the Fall
October 2022
Judy and I hiked up to the cabin at Knox Mountain this afternoon. It
beautiful! There was still plenty of color and it wasn't too chilly.
I worked Ohio,
Michigan and Iowa on 20 meters.

The hike in is a little over a mile on an old logging road. There
are locked gates at
the entrance, so it's rare to see anyone there.
There was plenty of sunshine at the cabin. Although it was only 53F
it was warm enough
in the sun.

I tossed an end fed wire into an old cherry tree and set up the
mtr-4B on 20 meters. There
were plenty of stations. I worked W8FNG from Ohio doing POTA. Then I
worked Ted, K8AQM
from Michigan. Finally, I had a contact with N5KB in Iowa. All the
signals were strong.

I packed up after a while and we walked back through the hills to
the car. What an amazing privilege
to be able to visit such a spot.