Bike Trip to Eagle
March 2012
I rode my bicycle four miles along the old Northern Railroad
route to Eagle Pond this afternoon. I had a great QSO with
WB4MNK in Florida and then with FG8AR in Guadeloupe
on 20 meters.
All of a sudden we're getting summer weather. Today it was 75F...
a perfect day for a bike ride. I started in Andover and rode north
and west
toward Danbury along the old railroad to White River Junction,
The route is now a rails to trails project. My first stop was at the
station at Potter Place.

The roadbed hasn't quite hardened up yet. That makes the riding a
more work. It took almost twice as long as usual to reach Eagle
When I got there, I could see that it is still covered with ice!

I set up on a knoll overlooking the pond. I tossed a half wave wire
into a tree branch
and used the Par matchbox to tune it. I used the Chinese HB-1B sold
by Ten Tec.

The bands haven't quite recovered from some major solar activity,
and I didn't
hear European stations as I usually do. So I went up to the QRP
frequency, and
there was Art, WB4MNK calling CQ from Port Orange, Florida. He was
strong and he gave me a 579. We chatted for almost 10 minutes and I
told him I
was on an adventure. He wished me happy trails and I tuned quickly
the band before heading back to Andover. FG8AR was booming in with
his CQ
from Guadeloupe. Olivier gave me a 579 and we made a short exchange.
With that
I packed up the gear for the return ride.
Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 80s. My wife, Judy has already
planted the peas!
Almost a month early. In between the spring chores, I'm looking
forward to getting
out regularly again after the long winter.