Quick QRP Trip to Knox Mountain
November 2012
This afternoon Hanz, W1JSB and I made a quick trip to
Knox Mountain. We operated for less than 10 minutes and
made one QSO each... with Spain and West Virginia.
Then we headed home. Hanz caught a shot of me on the
bridge. You've got to be careful where you step because
there are some large holes that go straight through.

We didn't get started until after two and already the sun was
low. The temperature was in the mid-40s. We hiked along the
brook toward the north and east.

About a quarter of a mile from the cabin, we jumped across
some rocks because the old bridge at that end is gone. It's
always a treat to catch a glimpse of the pond and the cabin on
the opposite shore.

We arrived a little before 3:00 pm. I tossed a line over a 40 foot
branch on the old
cherry tree at the edge of the pond. I hauled up a 33 foot wire to
use on 20 meters.
I sat right under the branch so the wire would be vertical. I used
the Elecraft T-1 tuner
and connected the ATS-4. I powered the rig with 8 AA cells. We were
putting out
about 4 watts. As soon as I turned on the rig I heard EA3DD calling
CQ. Manu in Spain
came right back to me. We completed a quick exchange. I was 559, he
was 599.
I was ecstatic at such a quick contact. Then I handed the Palm
Paddle and the earphones
to Hanz.

In less than a minute he answered a CQ sent by W8PBO in West
Virginia. Art gave Hanz a
569 and he was 599. They chatted for a couple of minutes and signed.
We packed up. Already
the temperature had dropped almost 5 degrees.