September Hike on Shute Hill
It was a perfect September afternoon. Judy and I hiked up to a field
on Shute Hill.
I worked Bulgaria, Bosnia, Cuba and three stations from Washington

We parked the car and walked north on the Rufus Colby Road. The town
maintains about a half mile of it, then it turns into an impassable
woods road.
After another few hundred yards, we headed east through the woods on
abandoned farm lane. The woods open into a small field after a few

Here there are two small fields separated by a stone wall. Judy gets
a photo of
me walking through the first field.

On the other side of the wall, we enter the second field. I open my
pack and
setup the little Chinese HB-1B on 20 meters. I heave a water bottle
into an
oak tree so I can pull up a wire. I miss my mark, the bottle hits
the ground,
splits and all the water runs out. The bottle has lasted for nearly
three years
of frequent outings. It had to happen sooner or later. I search in
the stone wall
for a suitable rock. I find one that's a bit too heavy and my throw
doesn't go
as high as planned. I use a half-wave sloper instead of a vertical!
But still... it works.

With key in hand, I work six stations in about 20 minutes. Here's
the log:
Date UTC
Time Call My
16 Sep-12 2005 14.021 LZ1DS CW 449 599
16 Sep-12 2015 14.026 E72U CW 599 599
16 Sep-12 2019 14.047 K7TJ CW 599 599
16 Sep-12 2020 14.048 W7WMO CW 599 599 WA
16 Sep-12 2022 14.049 K7INA CW 599 599 WA
16 Sep-12 2023 14.006 CO6RD CW 599 599 CUBA
This is a lovely, quiet spot to visit on an early fall afternoon.
The air is chilly, but
the sun is warm. These few days before the first frost are
treasured, and I get out
every time I can.