QRP to the Field at Knox Mountain
April 2012
The QRP to the Field Event was held this year on April 28. I went
to the cabin at Knox Mountain and worked 18 stations including
Montana and Switzerland. What a perfect day for a hike!

The hike up the mountain is exhilarating. The brook flows
vigorously from rains earlier in the week and everything
is turning spring-green.

The sounds of spring are musical along the brook.

It's wonderful to be outdoors in nature again. The climb is
steady but gentle. The trail roughly follows the brook to the
pond. There are two bridges along the way. The second has
been removed by the land owner because the timbers were
rotting. Someone has replaced the second bridge with a simple
plank across the rocks. It serves the purpose well.

After a mile and a half, the cabin comes into view across the pond.

It's cool... about 45F, but in the sun it's closer to 70F. The wind
is gusty, peaking at 20 MPH.
This keeps the black flies away. Today I bring two antennas and set
them both up. The
first is my stand-by, the 33 foot half wave wire put up as a
vertical. The second is a 44 foot
dipole fed with 300 ohm ribbon. I want it so I can switch to 40
meters and 15 meters. I put
the dipole up about 30 feet. I have brought the KD1JV ATS-4 rig.
It's a beauty and works
flawlessly switching bands easily from the top panel. I start out on
the vertical and right
away work Paul W0RW in Colorado. Paul is using a KX-1 at 4W. I work
a dozen stations with
the vertical including two Swiss operators, HB9ARF and HB9CA. Then I
switch over to
the dipole to compare performance. As expected, I work a bit closer
in with a nice QSO with
Joe, W2KJ in North Carolina. He is running the HB-1B and the Par end

I am experimenting with the LDG 4 to 1 balun. I've never used it
before. Without it, the T-1 won't tune
the 44 foot dipole on 40 meters. Switching to 40, I have a 15 minute
rag chew with W2EZB in New York.
We have a great path and both send 599 reports. For my last QSO I
try 15 meters. What a nice
surprise to hear KF7JL in Montana calling CQ. Marlowe gives me a 339
and he is 559. I am thrilled to
make a contact on 15 with the dipole. He is the only station I hear
on 15. I have operated a little more than
an hour and have made 18 QSOs. I'm overjoyed to see all the
activity, but getting chilled from the wind.

Not far from my operating position is a field filled with bluets and
violets. I pull down the antennas,
pack up the gear and head back down the trail.

Here's my log:
UTC Freq
My His Exchange
28 Apr-12 1753 14.062
W0RW CW 559 559 CO Paul
28 Apr-12 1755 14.063
W4ZV CW 559 559 NC Bill
28 Apr-12 1758 14.063
KB0KFX CW 559 559 WI Scott
28 Apr-12 1803 14.064
NN9K CW 559 559 IL Peter
28 Apr-12 1805 14.063
K0UU CW 579 559 MN Jeff
28 Apr-12 1806 14.063
N5LG CW 559 559 AR Les
28 Apr-12 1808 14.061
W8PBO CW 559 559 WV Art
28 Apr-12 1810 14.060
K4F CW 599 599 FL Steve
28 Apr-12 1817 14.057
K4MF CW 599 599 FL Gary
28 Apr-12 1824 14.022
HB9ARF CW 599 599 HB9 Phil
28 Apr-12 1825 14.027
HB9CA CW 599 599 HB9 Andy
28 Apr-12 1827 14.030
K4O CW 599 599 FL Dan
28 Apr-12 1830 14.036
KE1F CW 599 599 FL Louis
28 Apr-12 1830 14.036
N4S CW 599 599 FL Bob
28 Apr-12 1833 14.054
K4LQ CW 599 599 FL Fred
28 Apr-12 1842 14.060
W2KJ CW 559 559 NC Joe
28 Apr-12 1850
7026 W2EZB CW 599 599 NY Chas
28 Apr-12 1906 21.060
KF7JL CW 339 559 MT Marlowe